Project Description:
Twitter has decided to bring back their service outage page, but want to move on from the iconic Fail Whale. Links to an external site.They have hired your agency for the rebranding. With this new page they are looking to explore an entirely new brand identity, with a new and unique voice. Given the "voice" provided in recitation, you and your team will brainstorm a couple of options. Then:
choose 1 or 2 appropriate typefaces using Adobe FontsLinks to an external site.
select an image from the Noun ProjectLinks to an external site.
write some copy that fits within your approach
Finally, using photoshop create a final 1366 x 768 px image (Create New -> Web -> Web Most Common) of your design. Remember that your use of space, imagery, color, type and copy should all reflect the "voice" that your LA has provided. At the end of class you will participate in a short critique and should be able to explain and defend your choices.
Voice Given: "Edgy"
Time to Complete: 40 minutes

* Frame is too eye-catching and takes away from the rest of the page
*Curved text maybe not best choice
*3D graphic with 2d graphic clash